Antes de mais queria pedir desculpa de nao ter postado mas no domingo tive super ocupada pk vou fazer 1 exposição dos meus quadros e dps inda nessa semana na 3 feira morreu-me 1 pessoa k me era mt querida por isso peço desculpa e espero k compreendam nao tenho andado com a cabeça para pensar em mais nd ...
Credito / credit to : Supernatural Wiki , blackbirdj2
fotos dos actores em Asylum
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Samantha Ferris postou no seu blog onde fala sobre o a carinho por parte de tds os fans k tenhem por ela e por td o elenco de supernatural.
Jim Beaver é novo para convenções e foi atordoado por ver a reacção dos fans .
Mais uma vez, as pessoas vieram de todo o mundo; Irlanda, Austrália, Viena, na Inglaterra.
Fala tb do Jared , Do chad da Alona ..
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Para verem no site EyeCon page ja lá aparecem fotos da convenção e tb Ten Inch Hero .
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Fotos do gabriel tigerman
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Gabriel Tigerman, Sandy McCoy, Chad Lindberg, Samantha Ferris, Jim Beaver
creditos da foto e tb para lerem :
samantha ferris
e tb para verem mais fotos dos actores neste site :
E para quem quiser ver mais :
A actriz Samantha Ferris voltou a postar no seu blog oficial .
Ela começa por dizer :
Yay! You guys are better to me than my own family. I am always touched by the amount of support that comes out of your fingers. Thanks. It means a lot.
As you say, 'hugs'.
Fala tb sobre a personagem k desempenhou na serie supernatural :
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No blog oficial da actriz Samantha Ferris a sua personagem k ela intrepreta em supernatural Ellen Harvelle não vai voltar a serie.
Uma actriz k vai deixar saudade na serie
Ela deixou o seguinte no blog :
Looks like it's over. RIP Ellen Harvelle. C'est la Vie!....and the best part about it is that apparently i am a brat for telling you this! Nice! I love it! Ask Jane Ferris (me mum)! She'll tell you i'm a total brat!...not too sure about "Diva" and "snotty" but brat? Hell yes. However, having said this.....i believe i have been misunderstood a wee bit in this instance. Allow me.
I have heard that i have been criticized for my previous blog(feel free to go back and read can you can read all of them), telling you that i probably wasn't coming back and that we couldn't strike a fair deal with the gang over at SN. I was a brat, snotty and should keep my opinions to myself. I am sorry that they feel that way, but i think maybe they misunderstand the point; this blog is here because people want to know what I am up to and how i am feeling about stuff. That is what i wrote.
As most of you know, i am honest and candid...just the way i am...but there wasn't an attitude in my blog of self importance. It was just straight up; Ellen not coming back. Not doable deal. People wanted to know that. Done. Delivered. keep my opinions to myself?! That is what this blog IS.
All i can suggest is that if people don't want to know these things, then maybe don't read the blog. No one is forcing anyone to read this. I don't know what else to say. If you don't like the heat, baby, stay out of the kitchen!? Oh that is so cliche, isn't it.
Anyway, onward and upward. I'm sorry if you are dissapointed. I am too. We'll get another one.
Lots of auditions on the go; two pilots, a feature (soo not going to get that one), and a possible Heather Locklear Movie of the Week...which i think would be a scream. As the drunken obnoxious best those parts. Sadly, i am remarkably good at them. Sigh.
the snotty, diva, brat.
creditos :
creditos da informação :
A actriz Samantha Ferris postou no seu blog onde diz k esta mt desapontada 1 vez k a sua participação na serie como Ellen vai ser pouca pois a ultima vez k vai aparecer na serie será no episódio 16.
Aqui fica esse execerto do k post no seu blog :
FINALLY got a call from the Supernatural camp. They are inquiring about episode #16, shooting at the end of April. Sadly, this is the only episode that they are going to have Ellen in this season. I am a bit surprised and dissapointed. I would have thought that Ellen would have had more involvement in this season but what can you do? At least the good ole gal gets to make it back for one!
creditos e tb para lerem mais :
Como sabem a esta convenção vão Alona Tal , Jared , Samantha Ferris , Chad Lindberg entre outros ; e tb vai a esta convenção , o ator Gabriel Tigerman k fazia a personagem de Andy tb vai a convenção a 4-6 de Abril .
Recentemente apareceu em filmes como : Charlie Wilson’s War.
Tb irão anunciar a estreia do filme Ten Inch Hero em EyeCon!
Para saberem mais :
A actriz Samantha Ferris hj faz anos
Mts felicidades tanto para a vida pessoal como profissional.
E bom fim de semana para tds
. Asylum
. Gabriel Tigerman na conve...
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