fotos do episódio k estreou no dia 24 e k se chama : Ghostfacers
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Neste artigo podem ver : Jared Padalecki fala sobre o futuro do grande retorno ", com o episódio k da hj k se chama : Ghostfacers."
Jared falou sobre a premissa por trás do episódio e as diferenças e as dificuldades envolvidas no modo como foi filmado.
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E tb descrição do episódio Episode 3.15: Time Is On My Side
Dean speaks to a victim who had a kidney removed while awake. The brothers question a demon who may know who holds the contract on Dean's soul. Instead of cooperating, the demon taunts them before being exorcised, saying it looks forward to soon having home field advantage on a Winchester.
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Fotos promocionais do episódio ghostfacers
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Aqui fica mais 1 descrição do episódio : Ghostfacers
Sam and Dean take a break from their usual gig to star in a gritty reality show called "Ghostfacers" which chronicles the pursuit of the paranormal. Ed Zeddmore (guest star A. J. Buckley) and Harry Spengler (guest star Travis Wester) have created a radically different and sometimes violent show full of profanity that takes them to the Morton Mansion, an abandoned estate which becomes one of the most haunted places in America one night each year. However, as their team begins to get picked off in grisly manners not fit for television, they realize they are in over their heads.
creditos : The CW
Aqui deixo o promo do episódio : "Ghostfacers"
Promos do episódio “Ghostfacers“ e tb a sinopse oficial para o primeiro de quatro novos episódios de Supernatural.
Dean looks like he’s having a wild time!
Descrição do episódio :
SAM AND DEAN STUMBLE INTO A VIOLENT REALITY SHOW — Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) take a break from their usual gig to star in a gritty reality show called “Ghostfacers” which chronicles the pursuit of the paranormal. Ed Zeddmore (guest star A. J. Buckley) and Harry Spengler (guest star Travis Wester) have created a radically different and sometimes violent show full of profanity that takes them to the Morton Mansion, an abandoned estate which becomes one of the most haunted places in America one night each year. However, as their team begins to get picked off in grisly manners not fit for television, they realize they are in over their heads. Phil Sgriccia directed the episode written by Ben Edlund (#312).
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O site buddytv tem spoilers sobre os novos episódios da 3 temporada.
Fala no 13 - "Ghostfacers" ; 14 - "Long-Distance Caller" e 15.
Episode 3.13 - "Ghostfacers" - Airing April 24
The Winchesters reunite with the wannabe hunters from season 1's "Hell House" in this lighthearted episode. This installment was filmed in a documentary style and will play out like the actual pilot episode of the Ghostfacers! TV show. It's completely self-enclosed and breezes past all of the mythology set up in "Jus in Bello."
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Descrição do episódio 13 da 3 temporada k se chama : Ghostfacers
The Supernatural boys are venturing into reality...television. "We're coming back with a reality show version of Supernatural," says creator Eric Kripke. "It's sort of our loving tribute to Ghost Hunters. People will either congratulate us or think we're totally effing insane."
creditos : Entertainment Weekly
Descrição do episódio 14 da 3 temporada k se chama : Long-Distance Caller
The second episode will return to normal - at least as normal as Supernatural gets - with Sam and Dean visiting a town haunted by phone calls from dead loved ones.
creditos : Entertainment Weekly
Sam and Dean hunt a Crocotta, its goal is to get people to kill themselves and then take their souls. To do so, it communicates via phone and computer as a dead loved one. Dean gets information on the demon holding the contract on his soul from a seemingly unlikely source. While Sam goes to confront the Crocotta, Dean unknowingly prepares to ambush an innocent victim.
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Descrição do episódio 15 da 3 temporada k inda não tem nome
Aqui fica a descrição :
"We're gonna charge full-steam into Dean's deal with the devil, because his soul is coming up due," [reveals Eric Kripe.] Adds Padalecki: "Sam is trying new and different methods to try and save Dean. In the third episode I think we have a week left of Dean's life, and we're sprinting to the finish line to beat this deal that's closing in."
creditos : Entertainment Weekly
O site spoilerfix tem a descrição Ghostfacers
O site diz :
This episode was shot in documentary style and parodies Sci Fi Channel's Ghost Hunters. The Winchesters reunite with the wannabe hunters from Season 1.17's "Hell House" while investigating a haunted house where John failed to succeed. Dean is determined to try his hand at it. As the Ghostfacers stumble through the house and modify their TV pilot, Dean hunts for Sam
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