No site bbc existe 1 entrevista a Sera Gamble k é escritora e produtora da serie supernatural.
Na entrevista ela fala como é trabalhar para uma televisão , o orçamento, o impacto das greves dos escritores- e por que escrever horror é muito divertido.
Deixo esta parte da entrevista k axei mt importante :
And how did the Hollywood writers' strike affect season three?
Season three was shortened from 22 episodes to 16 because of industrial action. The strike was hanging over our heads for a while and we were just waiting for the trigger to be pulled and then we would all go home. By the ninth episode we knew we were about the stop so we were scrambling to finish scripts. We had to re-order some episodes.
What was the mythology for season three?
Season three was about a demon war and how to create a full-scale conflict on a TV budget and without a cast of thousands. It also was focussed on a deal Dean made to save Sam which meant he only had a year to live.
In the end that storyline was the one with the biggest pay-off and the most juice for both characters so we went big on that idea.
How did you get the job as writer on Supernatural?
It was what we call "staffing season" and my writing partner Raelle Tucker and I were called in to talk to the show's creator Eric Kripke. I felt qualified to work on the show because when I was 12 I spent the summer watching the entire horror section. I'm doing the job that I always wanted to do.
Para lerem mais da entrevista vão aqui
Crédito/Credit to: Winchester Bros
Aqui fica a entrevista :
Supernatural pin-up boy Jared Padalecki is feeling a little snug in the pants.
The 25-year-old Hollywood actor arrived eight hours late in the country without his bags which had been misplaced en route, along with all of his clothes.
As a result his first stop when he arrived in Sydney was to pick up some new underpants, but for a guy who spends most of his time battling the paranormal on the Network Ten hit show Supernatural as Sam Winchester, buying grundies proved quite a challenge.
"I had to go buy clean underwear with the crazy Australian sizes that I didn't understand," he told AAP in Sydney.
"Sixteen? 18? I have no idea what size I am - we do small, medium and large.
"They're far too small - they're like a thong. It's embarrassing."
But the hoards of teenage girls who queued up to see Padalecki at the Supanova Pop Culture Expo in Sydney didn't mind.
Hundreds of fans of the show waited in line for hours to see Padalecki and grab an autograph or a photo.
Padalecki, who made a name for himself playing teen heartthrob Dean on the hit show the Gilmore Girls, says meeting his fans is one of the biggest perks of the job.
"It's exciting to do stuff like this - people are coming to see you and take pictures, and give you compliments and take photos with you and want your autograph - you definitely feel cool after doing it," Padalecki joked.
"We put in so many hours on this show that it's nice to meet people face-to-face as opposed to seeing ratings - a meaningless number on an internet site somewhere."
Padalecki filmed Disney movie A Ring of Endless Light in Australia in 2002 and then a remake of House of Wax with Paris Hilton in 2005.
He is one of many stars who have turned up in Sydney to greet fans at the Supanova Expo, including Jewel Staite from Firefly and Stargate: Atlantis, Kandyse McClure from Battlestar Galactica, and the stars of Gladiators and Heroes.
The Expo, which runs all weekend at Sydney Olympic Park, celebrates all things imaginary from Star Wars to Superman, Halo to Harry Potter and Transformers to Tomb Raider.
credito/credit to : Something strange is going on with Jared Padalecki's undies e tb supernatural_tv
No site o actor jared fala sobre as filmagens do seu mais recente projecto : Friday the 13th a conversa logo virou-se para a quarta temporada de Supernatural.
Como sabem a temporada terminou com o Dean (Jensen Ackles) indo para o inferno.
Aqui fica a entrevista :
I know we're here on the set of Friday the 13th. But I have to ask some Supernatural questions. When do you guys go back to shooting again?
Jared Padalecki: As of right now, we are supposed to start in the first week of July. Of course the strike is a big issue. But they want to have us paired with Smallville. And Smallville is going to start shooting really early. So they want us to start shooting early, so they can air all of the episodes together.
Have you seen any scripts from the first couple of episodes?
Jared Padalecki: No, uh-uh. I haven't seen anything. Hat's off to Eric (Kripe). The only person I have talked with is Jensen. He and I keep in touch. But we haven't seen any scripts or read any of the scripts. We haven't even heard any of the ideas that they have.
You know that all of the fans are freaking out because they thought Jensen was off the show? But clearly not.
Jared Padalecki: I'm hoping clearly not. I think his plan is to be in Vancouver when I am in Vancouver. I pray to God that he comes back. Because that means every day, all day, there would be no one there to bear the burden except me. But, no, I'm sure that Jensen will be a huge part of the series. Just as he has always been. He's just in Hell this time out.
credito / credit to : Jared Padalecki Updates Us on Supernatural Season 4Email This Text Version Submit Scoops Comment!
Podem ler uma entrevista exclusiva com os escritores CATHRYN Humphris e Ben Edlund.
Falam sobre as personagens do John Winchester , sam e do dean e da 4 temporada.
credito / credito to : Budgets, Faith and Gore: A friendly chat with Cathryn and Ben e tb
Neste video o actor jared fala sobre o set do filme : Friday the 13th.
E aqui fica 1 parte de 1 entrevista k fala tb do filme :
"Este é um duro, porque a Chainsaw, ele era uma espécie de reinicialização do original, e com este, ... todos nesta sala sabem que [Jason] não colocar a máscara hóquei em até o terceiro filme," produtor Andrew Form disse a um grupo de repórteres visitam o filme de Austin, Texas, estabelecido em 6 de junho. "Eu diria que a maior parte da audiência que virão ver este filme que não sabe. ... A maioria das pessoas pensa que Jason Voorhees foi o primeiro em uma. ... A mais nova audiência, eles pensam que ele é o primeiro em uma, eles acham que ele está vestindo uma máscara hóquei, e esse é o modo como este tipo de franquia iniciada. Eles não percebem que Pamela [Voorhees, a mãe de Jason,] foi basicamente toda a primeira, [e] ele não revelou, até o próprio final do filme. "
Para saberem mais : e tb supernatural_tv
Jared Padalecki, uma das estrelas da serie Supernatural, disse aos jornalistas que irá começar a filmar a próxima quarta temporada, em julho, partindo do princípio de que não irá haver greve de actores.
O actor disse :
"A partir de agora - Sim, Eu acho que a greve é um problema enorme", disse Padalecki, em entrevista a um grupo com o conjunto de seu filme Friday the 13th, em Austin, Texas, em 6 de junho. "Mas, a partir de agora, nós somos supostos para iniciar a primeira semana de julho, porque querem tê-la no ar juntamente com Smallville."
Padalecki acrescentou que ele não tem visto quaisquer scripts para a nova temporada, no entanto, nem tem falado com o criador Eric Kripke. "A única pessoa que eu falei na verdade foi com Jensen Ackles .
Fala tb sobre a personagem, Dean Winchester.
Credito/credit to : dean_sam e
O criador Eric Kripke confirmou que Dean Winchester esta vivo e tb disse que ja tinha planos para a proxima temporada para os irmãos.
Jensen Ackles, Supernatural
Deixo aqui 1 parte da entrevista : You weren't lying when you said you were hoping to make your fans really angry and full of anxiety all summer!
Eric Kripke: [Laughs] It was a fun way to end the season. Dean meat-hooked in the center of what looks like a thousand mile spiderweb of rusty chains. Sort of M.C.Escher meets Hellraiser. Why did you send Dean to hell?
Kripke: Everyone expected Dean to be safe! That's reason enough to send him to hell. But also, in ways I can't reveal, it's a turning point for Dean. You need huge moves to happen that can cause radical shifts in the characters, that set them off in a new direction. So what happens to Dean in hell and how Dean gets out become primary concerns of Season 4.
credito :
Entervista ao criador Eric Kripke
Eric Kripke takes CS Weekly behind the scenes of his
CW series Supernatural and explains how an affinity
for urban legends and some sound advice during
development led to a show closing out its third
successful season on the air.
Supernatural chronicles the exploits of brothers Dean
(Jensen Ackles) and Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki)
as they follow in the demon-hunting footsteps of their
father John (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), who declared war on
everything from ghosts to vampires when his wife was
killed by an evil entity years before. While finishing
up the show's strike-shortened third season, creator
Eric Kripke took time away from the forces of darkness
to tell CS Weekly how the series came to be.
How did you end up creating Supernatural for the WB?
EK I had adapted another show for the WB, a piece of crap
called Tarzan. Here're my feelings on Tarzan: I'll
stand behind the pilot. It has a beginning, middle,
and -- the problem -- it ends. I was hungry to have
anything in production, so I wrote a 50-page story
that ended. Then it got made and I had something in
production and it was all my dreams come true. They
said to me, "Let's do 12 more." I said, "Uh, wait!
What's the story?" So, Tarzan was a hell ride in every
way, and we only did eight before they wisely put us
out of our misery. But I think Warner Bros.
appreciated that I stood proudly on the deck of the
Titanic with my violin and just played away. I never
tried to dress as a woman and get off the boat… I just
went right down with that ship. So they came to me the
next year and said, "Thank you for developing Tarzan
for us, but what idea do you want to do?"
credito / credit to : Finding Your Inner Demons: Supernatural's Eric Kripke
Aqui ficam scans de 1 entrevista realizada ao actor jared pela revista SFX .
Na entrevista o actor respondeu a diversas perguntas propostas pelos fans.
credito / credit to : e tb para verem mais scans :
No site tem a continuação da entrevista feita ao criador de supernatural - Eric Kripke
Ele afirmou que muitas vezes ele tem um roteiro para a série, um núcleo história que ele quer dizer, que ele nunca tenha esquecido a partirdaí.
"É a saga do clã Winchester - quem são realmente os irmãos, seus pais, quem realmente são, por isso Demonios estão tão estreitamente interligados com eles, e qual o seu destino é realmente. É um épico, emocional, história familiar na sua essência.
Para lerem a entrevista :
credito da informação : credit Dean Sam
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